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My body gave up but my determination hasn't

Writer's picture: Gregory AndrewsGregory Andrews

Dear Supporters

Yesterday I had to listen to my body when it started to give out. I was losing control of my limbs and speech, and my brain got pretty foggy. My wife, the Parliament House nurse, the Ambulance paramedics and the Federal Police were all telling me it's time to get to hospital. Here in Canberra Hospital, the staff are amazing. They've hooked me up to all different drips and they're doing six-hourly ECGs on me to check my heart. This morning I can stand up and walk under supervision.

I've stopped my #ClimateHungerStrike. But I want you to know I haven't given up on the fight for our future. There's no time left. I don't really understand the psychology of it, but the fact that our Prime Minister ignored me has made me more resolute than ever. I'm glad I saved my body for what's next.

I'd like to thank David Pocock, Allegra Spender, Sophie Scamps, Andrew Wilke and the Greens for coming down to the lawns of Parliament House, listening to me and taking my concerns seriously. That's what we expect from our elected representatives. And I'd like to thank and acknowledge the plethora of groups and people from organisations like the Australian Conservation Foundation, the Knitting Nannas, Beyond 350, the Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Extinction Rebellion, musicians, artists, business people, clean energy investors, churches and mosques, etc. You all came to show your love and thanks. But most of all, I'd like to thank the hundreds of every day Australians - families, senior citizens, youth, cyclists, public servants. Your individual expressions of compassion and care gave me strength.

The climate science is unquestionable. The world is at an irreversible tipping point. And it is abundantly clear that Australia needs to do much much more. The Australian Government needs to step up and take responsibility. Time is well over for dilly-dallying and defensive cut-and-paste talking points. That won't fix climate change. Green washing and spin from media advisers won't either. Honest acknowledgment of the climate emergency, bravery, decisiveness and strong and compassionate leadership will.

I may have ended my hunger strike, but I'm not giving up on our kids or our country. I need to stay in hospital for a few more days to make sure my heart and the rest of my body are OK. And I need time with my precious family who held me with unconditional love and solidarity throughout my hunger strike.

But you can still support me. Ask everyone you know to write to Anthony Albanese and tell him that he needs to step up and be the leader. And please sign and share my petition. That way, when I'm back to good health, I can walk back proudly and strongly to the front of Parliament House on behalf of thousands of Australians and hand it to Anthony Albanese. He may have he ignored me for the last two weeks on the lawns of Parliament House. But I can tell him I was never alone. You were all with me in calling for a safe future.

With sincere thanks




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