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Writer's pictureGregory Andrews

I've lost 10kg

Dear supporters

This morning I woke up and weighed in to discover that I've hit the 10kg weight-loss mark. I'm losing my stability and finding it hard to breath. My limbs and chest are aching all the time. And the Parliament House nurse who has been visiting me says that's because my body is starting it eat itself. My muscles are dissolving. It's kind of like going to the gym. When you build muscles they ache. And apparently, when they dissolve the same thing happens. To be frank, that freaked me and my family out a bit. But I'm still determined to go for as long as my body allows or PM Anthony Albanese takes responsibility and commits to real action on climate change.

The politicians in the House of Representatives, including Anthony Albanese, all flew out of Canberra last night while different mobs were visting me on the lawns of Parliament House. I still haven't heard anything from the Prime Minister or his office. He seems to be ghosting me. And Peter Dutton is missing in action. But on the positive side, David Shoebridge from the Greens came down to see me and told me that the entire Greens Party Room is behind all my demands. That doesn't surprise me because what I'm asking for is science-based and consistent with what's expected of Australia by people like the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres. The Senate is still sitting and I hope Senator Shoebridge and other climate leaders like David Pocock, who came down to see me right at the beginning of my #ClimateHungerStrike, might be able to achieve something there.

At this stage, I'm still doing my best but I'm not sure how long my 55 year old body will hold out. If you haven't already, please sign my petition to the PM. Please also share it with your friends, family and community groups and ask them to sign. Put it on as many of your Facebook groups as possible. I have 4,500 signatures so far and it's still growing. Let's show the Prime Minister that Australians are serious about the need for climate action.

Best wishes and sincere thanks,


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