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  • Writer's pictureGregory Andrews

Fact over Fiction: EVs and Fires

Updated: Jun 21

As EVs gain more and more popularity and market share, climate change denialists and fossil fuel proponents feel threatened. In response, they're spreading misinformation and creating misconceptions, particularly in relation to fires.

So what are the facts? Are EV's really catching fire all the time? The answer is a resounding "No". The data shows EVs are up to 100 times less likely to catch fire than internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles.

Government and independent analyses consistently show a lower incidence of EV fires compared to ICE vehicles. The US National Transportation Safety Board found EVs contribute to a minute fraction of total vehicle fires. According to the US National Fire Protection Association, while vehicle fires account for a significant portion of all fires, EVs account for only 2 out of every 10,000.

The higher fire risk for ICE vehicles is due to their operation mechanism. Burning fuel to power vehicles obviously poses greater risks of ignition. EVs have no need for combustion. So this reduces their fire risk.

All vehicles carry fire risks. But the evidence shows the risk is significantly lower for EVs. Misconceptions that EVs keep catching fire are driven by mischief, misinformation, social media algorithms and a lack of understanding of new technology.

My family sleeps very well with two EVs parked in our garage each night.

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