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Lyrebird Dreaming Pty Ltd
About Me
Gregory Andrews is the driving force behind Lyrebird Dreaming. With a background in international relations, climate and environment policy, governance, and cross-cultural communication, Gregory brings together over 30 years of experience - from international postings to community development in remote Indigenous communities. Gregory is an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Canberra. His Aboriginal family are from D'harawal country. His key passions are the environment and Indigenous empowerment.

Gregory Andrews is the founder, owner and Managing Director of Lyrebird Dreaming Pty Ltd . Gregory is an Adjunct Associate Professor with the University of Canberra's Institute for Applied Ecology and Deputy Board Chair of the
Canberra Writers Festival.
Gregory represented Australia as an Ambassador and High Commissioner in West Africa, and as a diplomat in China, Japan and United Nations negotiations. He was Australia’s first-appointed Threatened Species Commissioner and led development and implementation of Australia’s first Threatened Species Strategy. An experienced senior executive, Gregory worked at SES levels in the Departments of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Environment, Climate Change, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs. In the NGO sector, he grew and reformed a national Indigenous charity.
In 2023, Gregory led Indigenous co-design processes to write an Indigenous Employment Strategy for Australia's Parliament House, a Reconciliation Action Plan for the National Capital Authority, and an Indigenous Community Inclusion Strategy for the Cooks River Alliance in Sydney.
Gregory has lived and worked in remote Indigenous Australia, West Africa, China and Japan. He has a First Class Honours Degree in Economics and a Masters Degree in Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Gregory speaks French and Mandarin.
Download Gregory's CV.
About: Bio
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